BCPA Letter of Acknowledgement

June 15, 2020

The Executive Committee of Bexar County Psychological Association joins the voices of millions of Americans in outrage over the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, other Black/African American individuals, and people of color. We support the American Psychological Association’s efforts to work towards addressing the “racism pandemic” through the power of psychology and stand with all those affected by racism, discrimination, oppression, inequality, and injustice. As an association, we commit to promote awareness of these issues in our professional development programming and selection of leadership.  On our website you will find a list of resources to assist you. Colleagues, as psychologists we know the healing power of relationships and look forward to deepening our connections with one another and our community as we continue to engage in dialogue and action around these topics.

Articles, Resources, and Links to Resource Lists for Racism Pandemic


Important Information Regarding Discontinuance of Renewal Permits


Articles, Resources, and Links to Resource Lists for Racism Pandemic